A group of black woman happy and praying

Jesus and Therapy can coexist

There is no reason to feel embrassed.

There is no reason to feel embrassed. ◉


Will therapy interfere with my relationship with God?

A group of black woman looking sad

As a woman of faith, it can be scary and shameful to find yourself seeking therapy. What does it say about my faith that I can’t work through issues with prayer and fasting? How will my family feel about me needing therapy? I get it. I’ve been you. That’s why I can say that adding therapy to your faith is absolutely beneficial to you and your relationship with God. Therapy is an act of wisdom. Knowing when you need to seek help in addition to prayer is a sign of maturity that should be celebrated.




Therapy equips women of faith with tools to navigate their life.

That’s why I became a therapist specializing in faith-based individuals. I help them navigate around their views rooted in religion that impact how they move through the world. Growing up in the church, there were many struggles that prayer and praise could not fix. I’m not saying prayer and praise don’t help. But if we are going to be honest, there are some things that require a professional to help Christians find the tools needed to live the life that God ordained.

  • Do you feel your faith has hindered you from finding your voice?

  • Do you need help communicating with the people around you?

  • Do you want a healthy relationship with a committed partner?

  • Do you struggle with navigating faith and sexual confidence?

  • Do you lack the confidence to follow your dreams?

You aren’t the only person dealing with these issues. I help women of faith address issues such as abuse, conflict resolution, confidence, communication, depression, relationships, self-esteem, spiritual bondage, trauma, and more. The good news is that you have options to help you increase your self-awareness, confidence, and communication skills. I’m passionate about using the power and principles of Christ to transform people’s lives. At In The Nick of Time, I address your issues from a Christian perspective. I understand your faith and offer solutions that align with your Biblical values while allowing you to thrive as an individual.

A black woman with an afro looking up to the sky with her eyes closed
A black woman with short hair smiling
A black woman with braids looking down praying

Nothing should separate you from the love, joy, and peace that God has promised you.

Don’t allow any person, place, or thing (and that includes you) to keep you from getting from where you are to where you want to be. When you choose Christian therapy with In The Nick of Time, various methods may be used to help you achieve the life you desire. We examine thought patterns that are negative or harmful to your growth; uncover how your family system impacts how you interact with others or influence your behaviors; and identify your values and boundaries then help you use assertive communication to live a life that authentically reflects you.


Therapy is a rewarding process

It requires you to be open to taking a look at yourself and using the tools to help you grow. These revelations and new skills you learn allow you to tap into the power God has given you to overcome life’s challenges. Together, we can walk this journey combining Christ and therapy in a practical way.


You may believe therapy can help you but you still have questions.

  • No, we recognize that religious/spiritual practices have an impact on people of all races and gender.

  • Yes, it’s not a requirement to be attending spiritual practices to heal from the impact.

  • Yes and I do advise an outside couple’s therapist. While I would love to work with you and your partner, it’s important for me to keep my non bias stance as your therapist. There may be times in your individual therapy where your partner may join an individual sessions to help better support and understand where you are on your journey.


Work your faith

We’ve heard it over and over again - faith without works is dead. therapy is the work. Through Christian therapy, you can address the emotional strongholds that are blocking you from spiritually and physically living in the promises of God. Coming to therapy and using the tools given to you is a demonstration of faith. Contact me today to get started. If you are willing to combine your Christian faith with professional therapy, then you are committing to a personal transformation that brings you closer to God’s plan for your life - plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Let’s do the work!